Review: Heroes Macklemore

by Phil Arnold
in Reviews

Macklemore is a well established artist, with a portfolio now stretching across decades! At 39, he has continued to have a thirst for creativity and this song is testament to someone who has gathered a wisdom of writing and ability to showcase true rap talent in a unique way. 

This is a Macklemore nostalgia track. Within the lyrics we go back to the heroes he had and who he wanted to be as he grew up. He takes through what he thought would happen to him on his journey through music, from crime and drugs to painting a picture of how a lot of aspiring rap artists thought their lives would be once they got the elusive record deal! 

The idea of nostalgia doesn’t just stop at the lyrics. What I love about Heroes is that Macklemore moves the melody and rhythms to his heroes when he talks about them. There is Snoop Dog in there and Eminem to name a couple, which shows a real talent to effortlessly and subliminally change lines. But the thing I really love about this is the general feel of a song that uses a muffled drum, brass and clean piano to give the whole energy a 90s gangster feel. From concept to production, this song is fantastic.

Phil Arnold
Author: Phil Arnold
Phil Arnold is a musician, producer and music reviewer from Devon, in the South West of England. Whilst not writing music reviews, Phil also writes and records under the name of Ugbrooke.