Review: If I ever - Conor Maynard

by Phil Arnold
in Reviews

It has been 10 years since Conor Maynard was catapulted into the public eye, with his critically acclaimed single release of ‘I can’t say no’. Since then he has released a strong catalogue of tracks and has even tried his hand at musical theater. Before the pandemic hit, he could be seen in the Broadway production of Kinky Books! His latest track, ‘If I Ever’ is sure to please his fanbase and I would imagine it to attract new listeners to some of Maynard’s back catalogue. 

There is a period of time at the end of a relationship that can be incredibly difficult for the person who was not planning on the relationship ending or, even worse, desperately wants to be with the person ending the romance. Sometimes, there is a period of disbelief where someone's actions can be somewhat erratic! Conor Maynard takes us on this journey, he comments on some of the strange things he might do if in this position and occasionally asks his ex partner if she wants to change her mind, but really accepts the notion that it’s not going to happen. 

There is a swirling first few seconds to ‘It I Ever’, but it is then quickly brought back to the chiming guitar and vocals that help the lyrics be put across. The song builds with synths added to the bridge with a really full sound to go alongside the chorus. It is very much a pop production, but Conor Maynard has more earth to his voice than you might think from the first few bars, and this really shows towards the middle and end of the song. ‘If I Ever’, is a well written, fantastically produced song that has a lyric line that will resonate with many people. 

Phil Arnold
Author: Phil Arnold
Phil Arnold is a musician, producer and music reviewer from Devon, in the South West of England. Whilst not writing music reviews, Phil also writes and records under the name of Ugbrooke.