Review: Weightless - Arlo Parks

by Phil Arnold
in Reviews

For a young musician, Arlo Parks has already crammed lots into her career, and her latest song stands her in good stead to make progress on the UK charts, with success already seen in other parts of the world, this track will help her expand her fanbase in her home country. 

To all intents and purposes, Weightless is a sad song, with lyrics that are emotive and make us think about how a relationship can be when one person is not putting in the effort. The words suggest that Arlo Parks knows their partner won’t change. As the relationship develops, the sense of distance grows, and deep down inside they know it appears that there is a sense of helpless dependance with an incompatible partner. 

Musically this song fascinates me. Not because of the complexity of the musicianship, but the more I listened to it, the more layers I found. The verse, and to an extent the chorus melodies are simple, they have a feeling of the words gliding over the backing. The chorus has more dexterity in vocal performance, but not too much. There is a lower vocal, so low in the mix you can hardly hear it, but it is there. Coupled with this, there are high background voice that fill the void during breaks. The synths have an unusual brass tone and make Weightless a more unique release. I thought I was in the flow of the song, then the middle break kicked in and caught me off guard, but it worked and brought us back into the main hook effortlessly. This track is so interesting that I wanted to listen to it again and again.

Phil Arnold
Author: Phil Arnold
Phil Arnold is a musician, producer and music reviewer from Devon, in the South West of England. Whilst not writing music reviews, Phil also writes and records under the name of Ugbrooke.