Review: Bets On Us - Cheats Codes and Dolly Parton

by Phil Arnold
in Reviews

The partnership of Cheats Codes, an LA based DJ trio and Dolly Parton is quite a surprise and I would love to know more about how the collaboration came about. The country legend, who has been an international treasure for over 50 years, is still being creative and adding her unique voice to diverse projects. 

As love songs go, this isn’t what I was expecting, but then you should never judge a book by its cover. There is plenty to like in the song, with a nice groove and lyrics that are wholesome and innocent in their description of a couple finding love. As the title suggests, this song will take the listener through a narrative of will they won’t they, which of course they do, with gambling references dotted throughout.. 

Musically, I was interested in the balance of the voices and smooth, yet catchy melody line that will stick in your head. If you’re a Dolly Parton fan, I think this sound will be something very new to you. There are some pretty clear nods to the country style, with the slide guitar that opens the track and banjos that accompany much of the song, but because of the way the LA based DJ set Cheats Codes have mastered the final edit, it still has a very electronic and modern vibe. I did find myself listening to this track quite a few times, it has something that really appeals to me and is a fun track to listen to.

Phil Arnold
Author: Phil Arnold
Phil Arnold is a musician, producer and music reviewer from Devon, in the South West of England. Whilst not writing music reviews, Phil also writes and records under the name of Ugbrooke.